Six ways to rank your website at the top of Google

There are millions of websites, all fighting for a place on the first page of search engines. That's why the best thing any site owner can do is to get a few Google spikes to improve their rankings.

online marketing

You can do a lot to make your site more visible to your target audience and drive the right traffic to your site. It all starts with publishing quality, informative and original content on your site and taking the right steps to optimize your mobile and desktop site.

Most businesses find it difficult to optimize their websites for search engines. As such, working closely with an SEO company can help them achieve their desired marketing revenue. Here, we present the best tips to get your business on the first page of Google.

  • Work on the user experience
  • Optimize content for SEO
  • Links to other public authority sites
  • Fix broken links
  • Use alt tags
  • Optimize all labels
  • Concluding thoughts

User Experience

While content is the most important thing when driving users to your site, you should also focus on making your site easy to use. Improve the user experience by designing the landing page and site load time. Your websites need to open in seconds if you want to reduce bounce rates and keep visitors there for a long time.

According to a recent study by SEMrush, the four main ranking factors for websites are pages per session, time spent on site, number of site visits and bounce rate. Therefore, when you put all your efforts into maximizing your user experience, you can improve these four metrics and rank your site at the top of Google in the shortest possible time.

You are likely to get more visitors to your website if it is enjoyable to use, contains valuable information and is easy to access. When people frequently visit your site to browse between different landing pages, it will increase your SEO rankings.

Optimize content for SEO

Yes, only green content matters if you want your site to stay vibrant. However, if you're looking forward to getting the right traffic, you need to plan for search engine content optimization before publishing.

When you publish good quality content on your website, you will significantly increase your rankings. So what do you need to do to ensure that your content is of good quality before you publish it?

  • Remove all grammatical and punctuation errors from your content. You can use the Grammar tools to check for spelling mistakes before publishing your content.
  • Create evergreen content. While content can be time-based, you should strive to create content that journalists and other readers can always refer to.
  • Use the right keywords in your content. You can perform keyword research using third-party tools to find the most searched keywords in your niche. Enrich your content keywords.
  • Focus on your audience: when creating content for your blog, you need to focus more on the needs of your audience. What do they want to read when they visit your site? To make your website more creative, you can include both external and internal links and feeds.
  • Regularly update your website with new content.This will give the impression that your site is active and relevant. You can create a content calendar and ensure that you publish fresh and informative content on your site on specific dates.

Links to and from other public authority sites

Another easy way to get your site to the top is to get more backlinks from authority sites. Backlinks from other sites is another valid parameter that Google uses to rank your site.

When you get inbound links from authority sites to your site, you fool search engines into thinking your site is more informative. Again, most highly authoritative sites attract a lot of visitors, and if you have links there, you will increase your traffic and rankings over time.

Fix broken links

High quality links are needed to improve search engine rankings. However, if users click on these links and a 404 error appears on the screen, they may be discouraged.

Any link that results in a 404 error can reduce your search rank and user experience. Therefore, you should find out if there are broken links on your site using tools like Dead Link Checker. Make a note of all broken links and fix them to improve your user experience.

Use alt tags

It would help if you focused on making your website useful for people who only use text browsers and screen readers. While your website should be flexible across different screens, you should include alt tags for images and videos. Using alt tags allows search engines to search for different pages on your site.

Search engines such as Google still use address tags to determine how your website performs on the SERPs. This means you should strive to make your title tags more informative, unique and focused on your primary keywords. Always avoid using the same keyword repeatedly.

To improve your ranking, choose a formula that best matches your address labels. For example, if you are an e-commerce site, you can enter the product name, product category and brand name as the label tag.

Here are more tips on how to optimize your address labels:

  • The most important keywords appear at the top.
  • All capital letter labels make your content unpleasant and should be avoided.
  • To maximise visibility, you can use dashes and ticks on the labels.
  • Do not force or over stuff keywords on labels. Google prefers natural strings to forced keywords.
  • Avoid using default tags on your website, such as the "Home" and "Product Page" tags on your website. In most cases, Google thinks that some of the copy on your site will affect your ranking.

When it comes to getting your website to the top, you should focus more on SEO. Do some keyword research and create content that your target audience is looking for.

If you continue to find your site low on Google, contact a competent SEO company to optimize your site for search engines and get it to appear at the top of search results. More visibility translates into more traffic and revenue.
